Gut Healing Protocol
Poor gut health impacts numerous conditions and may be a root cause of many symptoms. Functional medicine often uses a 5R protocol to heal the gut.

Hashimoto's Functional Medicine
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune thyroid disease leading to progressive damage and inflammation of the thyroid gland. Functional medicine treatments include reducing inflammation, optimizing gut health, and reducing stress levels via a personalized approach.

Functional Medicine for Autoimmune Disease
A functional medicine approach to treating autoimmune disease includes assessing and improving gut health, reducing inflammation, and calming the immune response while supporting the body as a whole.

Resveratrol for Hair Loss
Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that may help reduce hair loss and support new hair growth by lowering inflammation, androgens, and insulin levels. It is important to address the root cause of your hair loss when supplementing with Resveratrol.

Ashwagandha for PCOS
Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that helps the body respond to stress and supports normal hormone production. It may help women with PCOS by balancing cortisol levels, lowering blood sugar, reducing anxiety, and supporting thyroid health.

Horrible Insomnia Before Period
Many women struggle with insomnia before their period begins. A common root cause is low progesterone levels and treatment options can include Bioidentical progesterone, lifestyle changes to restore ovulation, lowering stress, and sleep hygiene.

Case Study: Thyroid
This case study reflects a member's experience at Root with names and details modified for privacy.

MD/DO Led Care is a Game Changer
Why do you want your functional medicine care to be led by a MD/DO physician and what’s the difference?

PCOS Functional Medicine
A functional medicine approach to treating PCOS includes a detailed assessment, lab work, and addressing lifestyle, gut health and inflammation.

What's Our Secret Sauce?
Learn why Root's approach to wellness works.

Magnesium for Period Cramps
Magnesium if an essential mineral that has been studied to reduce the severity of period cramps, especially when paired with vitamin B6. This may help reduce alleviate PMS symptoms and period cramps in the 90% of women that suffer.

Functional Medicine for Anxiety
A functional medicine plan for anxiety looks for root causes including poor gut health, hormone imbalances, blood sugar imbalances, and nutrient deficiencies. Treatments are individualized and may include functional gut & hormone testing, diet changes, and proper supplementation.

Member Story
Root can help you transform the way that you feel. We’d like to share the following member story as an example of how lives have changed in our membership. (Names and details modified for privacy)

IBS Functional Medicine
A functional medicine plan for IBS finds the root causes of your symptoms and may include interventions like a low-FODMAP diet, treating bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), using probiotics, and targeted lifestyle changes.

Best Vitamins for Gut Health
Vitamins play crucial role in maintaining a strong gut lining, promoting bowel regularity, and reducing inflammation.

How to Activate the Vagus Nerve
The main role of your vagus nerve is to help the body “rest and digest.” You can can activate your vagus nerve to calm the body and improve your response to stress with with certain daily practices including yoga, deep breathing, singing, and meditation.

Bone Broth for Gut Health
Bone broth is a healing beverage known to contain collagen, gelatin, glutamine, and various minerals. It has been used for centuries as a nourishing food that soothes and heals the gut lining.

Perimenopause Anxiety in the Morning
Perimenopause is a time period of drastic hormonal shifts that may lead to mood symptoms, like anxiety. A supportive lifestyle to include relaxation techniques, exercise, and sleep hygiene is essential to improve symptoms.

Feeling Wired
Common causes of feeling wired include high cortisol, low progesterone, poor sleep, and thyroid dysfunction. Treatments include eating the right foods, stress management, sleep hygiene, supplements, and getting the right labs drawn.

Hypothyroidism and IBS
If you have IBS, you may be more likely to also have hypothyroidism. One small study found that 19 percent of people with IBS also had a thyroid disorder.

Hashimoto's vs. Graves'
Hashimoto’s and Graves’ are both autoimmune disorders affecting the thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located at the front of your neck. In both of these conditions, the body creates differing antibodies that attack and damage the thyroid gland.

Supplements for Hashimoto's
A look at the best supplements for Hashimoto’s including zinc, selenium, antioxidants, vitamin D, and probiotics.

Anxiety and Hormone Balance
Imbalances in progesterone, thyroid hormones, cortisol, and vitamin D may all cause or worsen your anxiety. Treatment of these imbalances may include diet, lifestyle modifications, supplementation, and/or medication when needed.

Announcement: Root has expanded nationwide
If you've ever Googled, "functional medicine doctor near me” you know that finding a functional medicine provider can be challenging. Your search just got easier because Root is expanding nationwide!

Cost of Functional Medicine
Functional medicine costs across the board nationally range from single visits at $300 to programs costing more than $10,000.