green plants and capsules

Best Vitamins for Hormone Balance

The best vitamins and nutrients for hormone balance include b-vitamins, vitamin D, omega-3s, inositol, magnesium, and NAC. These can be obtained via diet and supplementation.

purple wild flower

Endometriosis Functional Medicine

Functional medicine treatment endometriosis may include following an anti-inflammatory diet, improving gut health, supportive supplements, and stress management.

insomnia period

Horrible Insomnia Before Period

Many women struggle with insomnia before their period begins. A common root cause is low progesterone levels and treatment options can include Bioidentical progesterone, lifestyle changes to restore ovulation, lowering stress, and sleep hygiene.

magnesium period crampms

Magnesium for Period Cramps

Magnesium if an essential mineral that has been studied to reduce the severity of period cramps, especially when paired with vitamin B6. This may help reduce alleviate PMS symptoms and period cramps in the 90% of women that suffer.

anxiety hormone balance

Anxiety and Hormone Balance

Imbalances in progesterone, thyroid hormones, cortisol, and vitamin D may all cause or worsen your anxiety. Treatment of these imbalances may include diet, lifestyle modifications, supplementation, and/or medication when needed.

migraines and pcos

Migraines and PCOS

Migraines and PCOS share many common root causes. For example, hormone imbalances, low serotonin levels, and insulin resistance may trigger migraines.